So maybe you're driving along some highway and you pass by someone's house. It might be sitting in the middle of an empty field, past it's best days and now simply struggling to keep it's occupants safe from the elements. Or maybe it's a city and you can see rows and rows of apartment towers that look identical standing tall in the sunlight. Or maybe it's that house across the street where you never see anyone.
So you wonder what's going on inside. What does it look like in there? What do the people who live there do? How can they live in someplace that seems so different from what we know.
Sometime when I was a teen or almost so I discovered the idea of truth. I learned that it was a powerful word, a representative word and a descriptive word all wrapped into one. I first compared the concept of truth to the theology I learned while being confirmed as a Christian. I trusted that Jesus was the truth and learned his lessons and took his message into my heart. The seed that was planted grew and soon I found that the terrarium I had built couldn't be contained by the walls of Christiandom and so I began to explore options.
Perhaps, I thuoght, I could embrace anti-truth, an ideal, to me, that represented evil. So I did. I was mean. I stole. I hurt others. I killed.
Maybe I thought that such acts would chase the truth away from me and I could go on to live my miserable life in peace. But that was not the case. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how casually evil I was, I could still see that truth off in the distance, just out of reach but never out of view.
I've moved beyond that and just am me. I know that some people will view me as evil and I accept that role in their perception and only wish to aid them in their understanding of the issues at hand. Sometimes evil can reveal truth if one examines it closely. Of course the concept of truth within acts of compassion and love are much broader in their displays of truth, although an argument could be made that the truth in altruism can be deluded by volume.
So all that's left is memories. I will leave them here.