Cats are truly divine with their sleek coats and sophisticated poise. They represent the ultimate pet and companion and have guided mankind for centuries. You could not ask for a companion to be so faithful, loyal and intelligent then a cat.
This kind of sentiment is not going to be found here. It's not that we don't like cats here at—it's just that we're as likely to talk about creating a television show in which people are challenged to throw cats as opposed to delving into the secret meaning of purring. Yeah we know that watching people throw cats wouldn't be that entertaining unless the cats were not cooperating. We'd show a clip but then our email would go all PETA on us.
But instead imagine that cats are from another planet far from our solar system. It's their mission to hang out with humans and hear their stories, to feel their lives in an intimate fashion. Cats are actually archivists for the human condition.
The websites collectively known as, and others are an original work of art by Christopher Buxton and are copyright 2021. All stories are fictional and any photos that include individuals are staged photos with actors. Readers may contact the author directly at [email protected] where they will most likely be read and ignored. Please note that the subjects in all cat porn pics have shown legal proof that they are over age 18 and may be under the influence of catnip or other intoxicants.